Our Clients

Only too pleased to provide feedback on Continuum ERS performance on our job. They were recommended to Dalara Pastoral Operations Pty Ltd by a mutual friend. Continuum ERS provided professional, timely and very experienced advice to Dalara during the lodgement of a DA. Dalara would recommend Continuum to any agricultural enterprise seeking approval for its activities.

Dalara Pastoral Operations Pty Ltd
Allan Davies, Director
Quirindi, NSW

Bottlejac Trading Co worked with Continuum ERS on a development application for a small-scale feedlot. They provided sound advice and produced high quality documentation to support our DA. They were responsive and persistent in following up and working through issues with the approval authority to get a result for our business. Ross Sharrock has a common-sense approach and a solid operational background and experience which helps create practical and workable solutions.

Bottlejac Trading Co
Jeremy Cummins, Director
Rushes Creek, NSW